Friday, August 30, 2013

Member Testimony

Our member testimony this week comes from Sister Gloria Collins.

I feel it is a privilege to share my Testimony with you. My name is Gloria Collins and I was baptized into the church at age 10. Two missionaries, Elder Clay Smith from Arizona, and Elder Ralph Baleme from California, found my family. What I remember about my Baptism is the joy I felt. I never forgot that feeling. I knew the Gospel was true. Unfortunately, my parents became inactive soon after they were baptized. I had one sister who stayed active, and another who was somewhat active, and a brother who became active later in life. So, as my life moved on and I lived away from family, I wasn't good enough, the mistakes I had made. I was satisfied living life trying to learn from my mistakes. I remember my Sister, the one who had stayed active in her life, she lost her son. The family was in shock, he was so young! At his service she walked in with her husband and I will never forget what I saw. They looked so beautiful is the only way I can describe them. They were not engulfed with grief. She got up, and read a poem, and spoke of her son. Her husband dedicated his grave. They were at peace. I knew they had something special and I knew it was the gospel. As years went on, I listened to her and by this time my brother was active and I could see the change. My sister-in-law sent me the Ensign. As I read through it I said, "No wonder I love Mormons. Every thing in here makes sense to me!!!!" In my heart I knew <3. My brother asked me if I would mind if they sent my records here. I said, "No, they'll never find me........Knock Knock......Brother Long introduced himself, welcomed me to the area, and to church the next day. Sister Jackson called, she had seen my name on the roll and had no idea Brother Long had been out. Her and I talked as if we had been friends forever. She invited me to relief society program. Next day I received a letter and invite from Sister Long. The rest is history in my life. I have come to know the feeling of not being worthy enough to come to church was Satan's grasp that I had allowed him to have on me. I have come to know we are all sinners walking on this earth. I have come to know my Heavenly Father Loves ME and cares about me and wants me to have joy in this life!!!!! I have come to know Jesus is the Christ. He gave his life that I may gain salvation. I know my heart has been forever changed. I am so Thankful for this gospel in my life, so thankful for the change of heart I have been given, so Thankful for the Gospel and Knowledge I have been given so far. I know Heavenly Father exists, I know Jesus Christ is our Savior and through him we may return to our Heavenly Father. I know The Holy Ghost may be with us at all times if we choose to live by the word of God. I have come to know Joseph Smith was a modern day Prophet and Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet who guides us in these days. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL.

My husband listened through the lessons as I took them over since it had been so long since I had heard them. By the time the missionaries taught me, he was ready to be Baptized. Our lives have been forever changed. We were sealed in the Temple 3 years ago. Our love for the gospel grows and so does our love for one another. We are Blessed.


1 comment:

  1. I remember that phone call with great clarity! The Lord kept taking me back to your name! I am so blessed to know and love you! I love your testimony and the amazing steps you have taken in your life. And that is a great picture, too!
